Waterless Wave

This photo was taken at Uluru (the aboriginal name for Ayers Rock). It is a strange and beautiful place. Before I had even arrived I had decided not to climb it (to the aboriginals it is an important spiritual place; and it being their place they feel responsible for those who die whilst climbing it) and when walking around the rock and I got to the climb point I thought ‘good call Ash’. It is steep and with few features … once you start to fall there is nothing to stop you. Yet there are a few odd features, strange pits and holes where the imagination can see heads or mouths or eyes, and the aboriginals have woven many dreamtime tales around these features. And one of these features is this wave formation. Now as an ex geologist I know what causes this; it is torrential floods of water trapped in a gully or ravine carving its way into the sides. Only this one is weird; on one side is the rock, and though there are occasional storms, on the other side of the rock there is … well vast undulating desert … nothing to stop the water spreading out into this plain and hold it against the rock in order for it to carve this wave. So it is puzzling; and no one I have talked to can explain it. So I photographed it; not a great image; using a camera of modest specification in fiercely contrasting light; yet an image that interests me.

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