
I have been taking photographs for 50 years, but only went digital 5 years ago when planning a holiday to Botswana and realising that the cost of a new digital camera was much less than the cost of buying suitable quantities of 35mm film, then having it processed and printed. Even then it took me some time to realise the potential of the digital leap; firstly not to horde each shot as though eking out my film supply but to buy large memory cards and shoot lots. Then there is Photoshop, and I only started using it this Summer, some self taught, some aided by my daughter. At first it was just a nip and a tuck here and there, then, as I discovered more features, I went berserk … converting to water colours, line drawings, twirling and whirling and waving. Then I calmed down, deciding that many of these features were just gimmicks creating same old same old images; and went back to more advanced nipping and tucking. Then I started to learn a more disciplined approach to the ‘gimmicks’. They really can, when used selectively, create some stunning images. The images in this post were based on the thingummydowhatsit (see previous post). Don’t ask exactly how I did them as I do not know the precise combinations, they were the result of much trial and error experimentation. I like them; I hope you do to.

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