Never forget a spare memory card (or roll of film)

I have recently been to a few meetings of a camera club. And me being me have already managed to have arguments over whether one should take a few carefully selected shots, getting it right in the camera first time, or blast away, trying slightly different angles, exposure bracketing, shutter speeds, apertures, plate sensitivity, framing etc and then adjust, or even push to extremes, in PSE. No surprises, I, after some time getting used to the whole concept of digital photography (digital camera, digital storage, digital manipulation) am in the latter camp. And yes I used 35mm film for many (30+) years (and 127 and 120 … still have a 120) where each shot had to be carefully considered in order to make use of your limited film stocks (for any one outing); but now I believe in playing to the strengths of the equipment I use, including my brain/eye, and like my brain/eye take huge numbers of shots; and then review them and create images from the best of them. And even then I get caught out sometimes. This image started life on a beach near Hobart. It is a lovely place and when  the fine sand is wet it has an extraordinary ability to reflect the colours of the sky; so yes, it really was this colour; it was towards the end of the day. And I love the textures and shapes in the wet sand, and the vibrant colour of the rock … but I had forgotten to take a spare memory card with me and the card was almost out of space (and full of prized photos) so I only took 2 of this rock.  Dumbo Ashley. Then when I went back some 8 months later, hoping to take more, the rock was gone; time, tide and waves had moved it. So remember, beaches change with every tide, take a spare memory card, and be willing to experiment.

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