Sussex Deluge

So; reviewing my previous images I wondered if I had any UK photos that I could use as a basis of an image for this theme. And the answer was not many. For much of the south-east is densely populated, so it lacks that feel of watery wasteland wilderness, and when I travel in the UK I tend to head for mountains and moorlands, or craggy coastlines. So my trips to the British wetlands have been few. And this is  a hugely endangered habitat in the UK as they are just too easy to turn into fertile farmland and nondescript housing estates; so perhaps I should pay them some more attention and play my little role in recognising what beautiful places they can be; worth preserving as they are as Gaia’s shared land with Tethys, land to flood naturally, lest we get flooded disastrously. This image, however, happened b chance. I was exploring the Sussex cliffs and beaches and on the way from the chalk cliffs of Beachy Head to the chalk cliffs around Birling Gap I came across the flood plain of the River Cuckmere as it meanders to the sea. So I must try and push myself outside my comfort zone and try more visits to the wetlands. So, whatever your comfort zone is, within photography or outside; perhaps you can think about pushing outside a little.

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