Not the Sahara

Still pointing the camera down and looking for small detail I took this photograph. Other than a bit of tweaking I did not do much in photoshop. So what is it? Well it was a windy day at the beach and the wind had picked out small irregularities in the sand and created a mini-dune system; no more than a centimetre high and a couple of centimetres long. The next tide will have obliterated it; proving that you cannot always go back to a location and take the picture you knew afterwards that you should have taken, you need to use your eyes and brain and see the opportunities that are there; well that and a digital camera with a large memory card helps … I took lots, slightly different angles, slightly different exposures and slightly different framing. All (!!) I have to do now is review those dozens of photographs of this subject; sometimes there has to be a downside to digital.

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