Well it is back to work having not felt much like blogging in the aftermath of my cat’s demise. And hard work it is too; struggling with a subject that is really not my greatest forte. Yet that is good sometimes; trying to push outside my comfort zone and learning things in the process. These ar two contrasting images; the one is from dense Australian temperate jungle in New South Wales, the other from a forested area on the English South Downs… I think you can work out which is which. They both were problematical firstly in even attempting to control the contrast between the arboreal shade and the sunlit patches, and secondly in the framing … zoom back to get the feet and tops of the trees yet lose any sense of ‘forest’ or zoom in to get the feeling of crowded competition yet lose tops and bottoms. I have much to learn, yet I need to persist and the exercise of trying to blog this subject is helping to teach me.