There are many types of photography; photojournalism, sports, portrait, landscape to name but a few. And I am primarily a landscape photographer and even within this there are many styles and sub-genres. Sometimes one can simply record a beautiful landscape. I enjoy doing this; admiration of Gaia; yet used to refer to it disparagingly as ‘chocolate box’ feeling there was not enough of my skills in it. After several whacks over the knuckles from Muse&Mentor I have revised this view, understanding that it was still my skill to spot a beautiful view, compose it and select the appropriate camera settings. Sometimes one can reduce even grand landscapes to geometric shapes and sometimes one can find intricate patterns and textures in small details, something I am very fond of. And sometimes one can let the imagination play and take the patterns and textures to an abstract level. This image started as a photograph taken near Aira Force on this latest trip to Cumbria. Far enough from the fall for the water to have calmed down, yet still with plenty of activity; and then I played with it in photoshop to create an image, an impression of energy, light and movement.